“Did you have a sexual relationship with Donald Trump?”
An Inside Edition reported grilled pornstar Stormy Daniels about her alleged tryst with President Trump. Instead of responding to the blunt question, Daniels merely grinned.
She hasn’t always been so reticent. Seven years ago the pornstar went into lush detail describing her meeting with the future president.
“I can definitely describe his junk perfectly, if I ever have to… The sex was nothing crazy,” Daniels told a tabloid in 2011. “He wasn’t like, chain me to the bed or anything. It was one position.”
The anti-Trump league claims that Daniels was paid six-figures to keep her mouth shut about the affair, which supposedly began less than a month after Melania had given birth to Barron.
“At the time, I didn’t think that much about it,” she told the ragmag.
“But now that I have a baby that’s the same age that his was at the time, I’m like, ‘Wow, what a d**k.’”
The full text of Daniels’ explosive 2011 interview wasn’t released to the public until last Friday. Democrats hope that the musty story will ding President Trump’s reputation, but it’s not going to work. Most people don’t believe Daniels’ story, and those who do don’t care.
“And I was like, ‘Ugh, here we go.’ And we started kissing. I actually don’t even know why I did it but I do remember while we were having sex, I was like, ‘Please don’t try to pay me,’” the pornstar laughed.
“We had really good banter. He told me once that I was someone to be reckoned with, beautiful and smart just like his daughter.”
Seven years later, Daniels is now playing coy. She won’t confirm or deny any details of her story. She is, however, willing to milk the situation for publicity.
“No one ever looked twice at me before,” she smirked on Inside Edition. “Now everyone is looking at me.”
(Source: Daily Mail)