Unfortunately for conservative Trekkies worldwide, the beloved Sulu (also known as George Takei) turned out to be a flaming liberal (yes I know he’s a flaming something else too, but that doesn’t really have anything to do with my point today). His soft spoken and humorous take on conservative politics might almost convince the undecided that he’s got a point. That is, until he says something so totally unfounded that it reminds you just how illogical the whole liberal house of cards is.
That was the case when he compared out Commander in Chief to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.
Understand that the rest of the world puts both Kim Jong-un and Donald J. Trump into the same unbalanced, nuclear-armed state leader basket.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) April 15, 2017
Unfortunately, a lot of people agreed with him.
I think a lot of the world, us Aussies included, see trump as more dangerous. He is unpredictably mad – KJ is at least predictably mad.
— Youngy (@adrianjyoung) April 15, 2017
However, those who understand what the meaning of all his words did try and talk some reason into him.
The irony of people TWEETING this garbage is completely lost on them, huh?
— clarice starling (@hell_oh_clarice) April 15, 2017
I believe it is.
In case you missed it, America was literally founded on not giving a f–k what the world thinks cc @PolitiBunny https://t.co/boXAJMTyUu
— (((Aaron Walker))) (@AaronWorthing) April 15, 2017
Flowery language aside, that’s an excellent point.
I’m not sure Juli, maybe Mr. Takei can enlighten us on that?
If only, but as was evidenced by the North Korean military personnel that were thrown in prison last week for making a derogatory comment about their leader, blasting him on social media might be bad for their health. And that is the major difference between President Trump and Mr. Jong-un; one will kill you for disagreeing with him, the other will disagree with you for killing.
One last thought from our friends over in Twitter land:
You are deeply mentally unbalanced. You need psychological help.
— Bob Owens (@bob_owens) April 15, 2017
You may well be right, sir.
(Source: The Blaze)