We had been hearing all month that electors in the Electoral College would disavow Trump and vote for Hillary. Or at least that’s what the left’s news narrative was saying. Turns out it was the exact opposite of that. Allow me to explain.
When the electoral college voted two days ago to confirm Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States, they did so without drama for the Republican visionary. What many aren’t talking about is, that even though the left said electors would abandon Trump, they actually abandoned Hillary Clinton instead. So much so that she is now the most deserted presidential candidate in American History.
Clinton was “supposed” to get 232, but four Democrats in Washington state and one in Hawaii decided to go rogue too. (The Sanders voter was the Hawaiian.)
A seven-vote switch might seem anticlimactic after all the hype around the “Hamilton electors,” a group with big plans to organize a mass insurgency, throw the election into the House, and deny Donald Trump the presidency. But that scenario was always extremely unlikely, and you shouldn’t let it distract you from how unusual these results are. While it’s not exactly uncommon to see an elector vote for someone other than the presidential candidate to whom he is pledged, this is the first time since the 19th century that more than one elector has done that in the same election. And the first time since the 18th century that this many people got electoral votes.
This is just proving once again that Hillary Clinton is the worst candidate in presidential history.
If you’re happy Hillary will never be our president, Share this post on Facebook and let your voice be heard! January 20th, freedom will finally win.