It’s been the better part of a year since Hillary has had her last press conference. Perhaps it’s because Clinton has been in damage control for the past few months, or perhaps she’s hiding something. As her refusal to speak to the press made headlines recently, Hillary’s campaign, always one step behind, thought it would be a good idea to have members of the press on Hillary’s new private jet, to ask her questions about her campaign.
…that is, until she walked off from her questioning because of a massive coughing fit.
You see, Hillary’s health has come into question because people are putting together the dots of her countless coughing fits, erratic behavior, convulsions, and extreme emotional indifference. She’s literally falling apart before our very eyes, and I can’t be more happy.
#HackingHillary is the embodiment of political corruption, and it seems like her lies are finally taking a physical toll on her. I’d say that we have to vote her out in November, but I’m not sure she’ll even make it that far.
(Source: YouTube)