For all the times that Paul Ryan has gotten things wrong, this time he is absolutely correct and is taking Hillary down.
After the FBI director James Comey let Hillary off the hook for endangering the American people with her “reckless” actions on her personal email server, America, including your truly, was up in arms crying foul. It’s absolutely mind boggling given the amount of evidence against her, Hillary got off without so much as a hand slap. Sure Comey chewed her out and told the public that she was careless, but who cares? Nothing happend.
Since the FBI won’t do anything about it, and Trump can’t until he’s president, Paul Ryan is taking action and we FULLY support his fantastic new suggestion.
Speaker Paul D. Ryan is calling on Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to block the “extremely careless” Hillary Clinton, expected to be the Democratic nominee for president, from receiving intelligence briefings through the election campaign.
“I firmly believe that this is necessary to reassure the public that our nation’s secrets are secure,” the speaker said.
This is the best idea he’s ever had. Hands down. Keep her out of government secrets! She clearly can’t keep them.
Ryan further demanded Clapper defend his decision to grant the former first lady access to national security intelligence.
Ryan, who was the 2012 GOP nominee for vice-president, wrote to Clapper that there is no legal requirement to provide presidential and vice-presidential candidates with intelligence briefings and that to allow Clinton to participate in what is a modern practice sends the wrong signal to men and women charged with safeguarding our country’s most vital secrets.
Do you think that Ryan is off base here? We sure as hell don’t! Hillary has proven time and time again that she doesn’t nothing but lie and misdirect about the fact in this case. Until Trump can come to power and prosecute her, this is the best we’ve got and we want this to happen!
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(Source: Breitbart)