The big news of the day, and over the weekend if you missed it due to the holiday, is that Jill Stein is demanding a recount in all the battleground states. For those keeping track, that’s Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.
Their claims are that it’s possible there was voter tampering or even a direct hack into machines to have votes skew more towards Trump. Just looking at Michigan, they don’t even use voting machines and only use paper ballots, so right away this is complete and utter bullshit. Jill Stein is using this as a fundraising scam and that is painfully obvious. But Hillary Clinton and her campaign are now actively aiding Stein in her ill-conceived recount. Why? Because they all think there is a shred of hope that they might win. HAHA yea right. America has spoken and you lost. Get over it.
But here’s the kicker in this entire scanario. Hillary Clinton, when Donald Trump said he would not accept the results of an election if he lost (clearly citing in that speech the voter fraud and rampant cheating the Democrats are so famous for), said that sort of mentality is “horrifying.”
So now, when factoring HER OWN WORDS in, Hillary’s non-acceptance of the election results is just that. Horrifying.
Here’s Paul Joseph Watson taking down the entire Hillary campaign in one video:
Donald Trump refused to say that he’d respect the results of this election.
That’s a direct threat to our democracy.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 24, 2016
During the final debate between Clinton and Donald Trump last month in Las Vegas, Fox News Channel’s Chris Wallace asked Trump if he would honor the results of the election even if he lost.
“I will look at it at the time. I’m not looking at it now. What I’ve seen is so bad,” Trump responded.
Wallace pressed the question further, and Trump replied, “What I’m saying is I will tell you at the time.”
“I’ll keep you in suspense,” Trump said.
Clinton, apparently taken aback by Trump’s response to the matter, hit back “That’s horrifying.”
“That’s not the way our democracy works. We’ve been around 240 years. We’ve had free and fair elections and we’ve accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them and that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. President Obama said the other day that when you’re whining before the game is even finished it just shows you’re not even up to doing the job. “
She added, “And let’s be clear about what he’s saying and what he means. He’s denigrating—he’s talking down our democracy.
I guess for Hillary, it doesn’t matter as much when the shoe is on the other foot.
Let’s remind her of the liar, the conniving political cancer, the underhanded tactician she truly is. We have an obligation as concerned Americans to spread this story everywhere we can because this isn’t just Hillary being Hillary – this is a threat to our way of life, a threat to our political system in its entirety.
It’s been too many times that the Democrats have lost and decide to throw a temper tantrum, so many times we’ve just accepted it. Don’t let them steal this from Trump or the rest of America that works for their money. Our time it now and America will be better for this.
(Source: The Daily Caller)