Hillary’s email scandal has been a hot button topic for the last few months, but every once in a while, you have to stand back and laugh at the absurdity of it all, and we can do so at Hillary’s expense.
Released by the State department after the FBI conducted one of their many investigations of the Democratic presidential nominee, these emails go from silly to downright stupid, and outline both how inept and ineffective Hillary is, and what she really things of herself behind closed doors.
Here are the 8 funniest emails found on Clinton’s private server.
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Hillary Clinton vs. fax machine
Can somebody PLEASE get Hillary some iced tea?
Hillary was clearly not wanted at this meeting
Then there’s this email from Senator Milkulski (D-MD)
Clinton is a fashion killa
Hillary really wants that cover story
Why do I feel like this email isn’t about apples…
Hillary taking shots at Richard Nixon
(Source: SoCawledge)