Wow. Just wow. Many people won’t read between the lines here, but I sure as hell am!
Former Republican Presidential candidate John Kasich is, of course, out of the race. Still, he won’t support Trump. Nor do I expect him to any time soon. Why? Because he wasn’t even in the race to become president. He was in it for greedy and money, not even power, not to mention truth, justice, or protecting the American people.
Why do I think this? Well it’s because he just landed himself a book deal. That’s right. A nice fat paycheck for winning one state in the primaries (his own), and sticking around way longer than her should have.
Roughly three weeks after suspending his presidential campaign, Ohio Gov. John Kasich is still not sold on supporting Donald Trump’s White House bid.
Kasich met with Ohio media this week in his first local interview since putting his presidential bid on hold. According to, the Republican said he wants to write a book about his experiences on the presidential campaign trail.
“How can I let an experience like this not be written about? I expect to, hopefully, meet with publishers in the next three weeks or so and talk about the country, the direction, how we got here and what the future is,” Kasich said.
You don’t HAVE to write about it, John. In fact, you shouldn’t. Because all I see is a greedy man looking for a pay out as the American people suffer because of people like you.
Regarding Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, Kasich would not commit to throwing his support behind the real estate mogul.
“Unless I see a fundamental change, it’s really hard for me to do a merger,” Kasich said, speaking in business terms. “If the values are not somewhat similar — if the culture is not somewhat similar — it’s hard to do a merger. … If he changes, that’s a whole new ballgame.”
Of course you won’t support him. 1) Because you’re a horrible Republican and 2) It’ll sell more book if you don’t.
What we have here is a man who has betrayed the entire conservative cause, selling out to the highest bidder, and another career politician continuing not to care about America at all.
And people wonder why we’re so hot for Trump right now. It’s because of people like John Kasich. Pitful.
(Source: Newsmax)