While left-wing orthodoxy is very rigid and adherents expected to toe the party line, there are times when leftists attack one another. This is often very amusing to watch, and most of the time it’s the more radical elements attacking their comrades for not being extreme enough.
On Tuesday, we received a perfect example of this behavior when the washed-up actress Rosie O’Donnell trashed CNN’s Chris Cuomo for daring to interview a conservative.
As reported at the Hill, O’Donnell attacked the CNN anchor on Twitter for his interview with White House adviser Kellyanne Conway, saying the network and its employees need to do more to keep dishonest people off the air.
After the fiery interview, Cuomo sent up a tweet that said, “the truth: guest should talk more, of course, but i cant let non-facts just fly…and if the tactic is to overtalk then i interrupt. it is not out of disrespect, it is known we are friends…i just have to do my job. and yes, i enjoy doing it 🙂.”
The message didn’t sit too well with O’Donnell, who responded with: “Chris – spare us ur journalistic heroics – she lies Chris – u put her on – and u act stunned – indignant – YOU KNOW SHE LIES – WE KNOW SHE LIES – STOP TALKING TO HER CHRIS – u r no ones hero captain obvious – YOU ARE THE GATEKEEPERS CUOMO!!!! DO UR JOB DAMN IT #DONTBOOKLIARS.”
Conway has been a frequent guest on CNN, with most of her appearances turning into arguments with Cuomo. On Tuesday, the duo argued over immigration and the laughable women’s march, the latter of which Cuomo harped on because of Trump’s weekend tweet referencing it.
Cuomo thought the tweet was a “joke” made at the expense of those involved in the march, saying, “Isn’t that insulting to all those women out there who are looking for leadership and looking for someone to get behind them? And, instead, he makes a joke out of the march,” Cuomo asked Conway.
“It is no joke that the women’s unemployment rate is the lowest it’s been in 17 years,” Conway responded.
There’s no question that Cuomo is one of CNN’s lower-rung clowns, but it’s still a little crazy when leftists like O’Donnell go after their own for not being sufficiently unhinged.
Source: Hill