Breaking new out of Great Britain where ISIS loving terrorists have been caught red handed while using the migrant crisis to smuggle in actual terrorists.
According to reports, British Intelligence has gained knowledge that ISIS is using the crisis to plant their operatives into places throughout Europe, and by extension the world (aka the U.S.), to take out anyone it can.
The Telegraph reports,
Isil jihadists are exploiting the migrant crisis to smuggle terrorists into Europe with fake passports they can then use to travel to the UK, British intelligence officials fear.
Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (Isil) is increasingly exploiting the huge migrant flows to slip jihadist cells through undetected to launch attacks in the UK and elsewhere.
They are mainly travelling on fake Syrian or Iraqi passports which are now so sophisticated it is almost impossible to distinguish between genuine refugees and terror suspects.
It is feared sleeper cells are being established in the UK and across Europe having been sent back by their Isil commanders fully trained and with attack orders.
So when we let in 10,000 Syrian refugees next year, thanks to Obama, we’re likely letting in terrorists as well.
It came as one of the EU’s most senior officials disclosed that six in 10 migrants arriving in Europe are economic migrants with no right to asylum.
Frans Timmermans, the first vice president of the European Commission, said that the majority of those coming to the EU are not fleeing war or persecution and that they should be deported.
“It’s about 60 per cent of all asylum seekers,” he said, citing internal figures held by Frontex, the EU border agency. “These are people that you can assume have no reason to apply for refugee status.”
When will the world learn: send them packing, we don’t owe them anything and they don’t belong in our world.
(Source: The Telegraph)