Obama-era Attorney General Eric Holder is still bitter about a slur President Trump cast at him last year. Holder told HBO’s Bill Maher that he predicts Bob Mueller will be slapping down obstruction of justice charges on the president.
“I’ve known Bob Mueller for 20, 30 years; my guess is he’s just trying to make the case as good as he possibly can. So, I think that we have to be patient in that regard,” Holder said.
He’s not the only hoping for a dramatic end to Mueller’s investigation. Liberals are clinging to hopes that their anti-Trump biases will be vindicated.
President Trump attacked Holder during an interview with the New York Times last year. “I don’t want to get into loyalty, but I will tell you that, I will say this: Holder protected President Obama. Totally protected him,” Trump told the paper.
Holder addressed the insult with Maher.
“The difference between me and [Attorney General] Jeff Sessions — I had a president I did not have to protect,” Holder said.
“So, this notion that I am somehow protecting Obama from things that he had done inappropriately or illegally is simply not true.”
Holder and Obama certainly have a closer relationship than Attorney General Jeff Sessions and President Trump. Trump is displeased with Sessions’ lackluster behavior in the Russia investigation and hasn’t been afraid to let his feelings be known.
“DISGRACEFUL,” Trump tweeted about Sessions last week.
Sessions defended himself as best he could and reiterated promises to remain at his post. Public calls for his resignation would not be heeded.
President Trump even joked about their fraught relationship during a gala at the White House.
“But Attorney General Sessions is here with us tonight,” Trump said Saturday. “I offered him a ride and he recused himself.”
Trump hasn’t responded to Holder’s latest comments.
(Source: Daily Mail)