America is the land of opportunity. Everyone knows that, which is why immigration has become such a hot topic. No matter what country you go to, the probability is that you’ll run into someone who wants to go to America.
Unfortunately, some of the people who are already here feel like they aren’t getting a fair shot at life. The Black Liberation Movement, among others, has told African Americans that they somehow don’t have equal opportunity. They’ve convinced themselves, and now almost everyone else, that unless they somehow strike it big in sports or music, that they don’t have a fair chance at success.
This idea of inevitable inequality had obviously overcome a Virginia woman, because when she saw a white couple driving a Porsche and pulling a boat, she completely lost it.
Via Daily Caller:
A 26-year-old woman from Newark, New Jersey named Angela M. Jones may face hate crime charges for the incident.
The victim, only identified as “Bob,” was pumping gas when Jones pulled her car up, blocked him in and proceeded to yell at Bob, referencing his “fancy boat” and saying that she was “sick of fancy white people.”
She took a hammer to the boat and the car, and a physical altercation ensued, with Bob getting stuck in the head with the hammer. The hammer eventually broke on the boat after Jones hit it again, after which she fled, WTVR reports.
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Hopefully, justice is served to this attacker, and the victims are able to recover from the trauma, but this is such a larger issue than just them. Maybe Jones was under the influence of something, but I’m afraid the most likely case is that she’s just bought into the lies that she has never been given a fair shot. Not only is that bad for those around her (as this couple can attest) but it’s bad for her. Making a whole generation of people think that they have to be either victims (black) or aggressors (white), or aggressors that think they are victims, serves no purpose whatsoever. Those who think they are victims will be predisposed to underachieve, and those who think they could be aggressors will be crippled with guilt.
I agree, black lives matter; they matter exactly as much as every other life and should be treated equally and fairly. But stunts like this are not helping the equality cause; quite the opposite.
(H/T: Daily Caller)