President Trump has made no secret of the premium he puts on family values. From allowing Melania and Barron to retain their New York residence in order to ease the transition to employing his daughter and son in law as vital parts of his White House staff, the POTUS has made it clear that the people he values in office are the same people he values at home.
While Trump has made it clear that having his children around him is a priority to him, I think it safe to say that it’s more than a happy coincidence that his grandchildren get to visit him quite a lot at work.
Maybe it’s true what they say, and the rich and famous are a lot like us because I’ve never known a grandparent that didn’t want to get their cute grandkids a little more camera time.
Also, notice that before he gets in the helicopter, he salutes the Marine standing guard. If that’s not dedication, I don’t know what is.
(Source: Red State Watcher)