President Trump’s approval rating continues to soar. Special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s investigation is heating up, Trump’s lawyer’s office was raided and his confidential files confiscated.
Americans don’t care. They love Trump and their support isn’t going to waver because of nonsense stories. If unemployment was rising instead of sinking, if the economy was tanking, then Trump might have trouble holding onto to his supporters.
But he’s doing a great job in the White House, despite the numerous curve balls thrown at him by the left.
According to the Rasmussen Reports poll released Wednesday, “50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove… The latest figures include 33% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 41% who Strongly Disapprove.”
Democrats tried to deny the results of the Rasmussen polls, but they can’t anymore. Even their polls are showing the trend. Most of the Americans living in rural areas, a whopping 59%, approve of the president according to a Washington Post poll.
The Mueller investigation is a distraction. The supposed collusion that he was called on to investigate never happened. The Russia investigation has morphed into a free-for-all against Trump and his associates.
Cohen is caught Mueller’s net because of large, embarrassing payments he made to porn stars and Playboy models who claim to have had affairs with Trump.
“Rasmussen just came out at 51% Approval despite the Fake News Media. They were one of the three most accurate on Election Day. Just about the most inaccurate were CNN and ABC News/Washington Post, and they haven’t changed (get new pollsters). Much of the media is a Scam!” President Trump tweeted Tuesday.
The media wants Trump’s supporters to turn on him. They want his presidency to be a disaster and are disappointed that he’s been so effective.
(Source: Rasmussen Reports, The Hill)