As far as the Democrats go, usually we can tolerate their insanity or at least shoot it down in humorous ways. However, the absolute grilling and unnecessary bashing of President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch has me all fired up this morning.
If you haven’t been tuning in to the ridiculousness the Democrats are lambasting on Gorsuch, it’s been bad. They have come at him from all angles and tried to break him. To his credit, Gorsuch has stood his ground and refused to bow to their political agenda by abstaining from insane questions and deflecting their attacks. The Democrats have accused him of “not answering questions.”
Here’s Ted Cruz defending Gorsuch on the Democrats’ ridiculous line of questioning:
But you’ll never guess what we found that has the Democrats running for their mommies. This video shows 20+ year old clips of Ruth Bader Ginsburg being praised by Democrats by doing the exact same thing Gorsuch is doing! The hypocrisy is at an all time high and this exposes it.
More than 70 times during her hearings she refused to answer questions. Yet when Gorsuch refuses to answer just one, because he’s Trump’s nominee and because the Democrats have a sick and backwards agenda, he’s chastised for it. What utter BS.
Let’s make sure the country knows that the liberals are, once again, just like the election, trying to manipulate something or someone for their own political gains and agendas. Share this everywhere and make sure the country knows how regressed they truly are.
h/t: Young Cons