In light of the deluge of sexual abuse scandals, the Left is having to take a long look in the mirror and decide if they value their power more than their “principles.” While leftists almost always place power above their supposed values, the sheer volume of accusations plaguing various liberals has made it next to impossible to get away with their usual brazen hypocrisy.
However, it hasn’t stopped many Democrats from trying to dismiss and downplay the allegations against the likes of Franken and Conyers. While the majority of leftists may be neutral on these issues, there’s one Democrat defying her party’s line.
As reported at the New York Post, Long Island Congresswoman Kathleen Rice wandered off the liberal reservation on Monday when she called for Sen. Al Franken to step down over the sexual harassment charges against him. She also lambasted House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for refusing to take a tough stance on the issue, as she’s been tip-toeing around the scandal in recent days.
Rice became the first House or Senate member to call for Franken to step down, in light of multiple accusations that he inappropriately touched women.
Asked on CNN if Franken should keep his job, Rice bluntly replied, “I don’t think so.”
Rice also reacted to Democratic consultant Lis Smith’s tweets calling for Franken to step down, saying “Couldn’t agree more. Thanks for speaking up about this.”
While Rice was on CNN, she also criticized Pelosi for her complete refusal to condemn John Conyers in light of his former staffers’ sworn affidavits that point to years of sexual harassment and his abuse of taxpayer funds to shuttle women to and from his office. Pelosi said she trusts the long-serving congressman’s personal “judgement” over whether or not he should step down.
“People are seeing us circle the wagons and protect our own,” Rice said. “Whether it’s Donald Trump not coming out against Roy Moore, and supporting him to the extent that he is, or if it’s Nancy Pelosi protecting John Conyers and saying that she leaves it up to him to make the right decision. I think that’s ridiculous.”
Rice said sexual harassing lawmakers need to be turned aside, in the same way, the private sector has cast out Harvey Weinstein and Charlie Rose.
“I think if you ask any person on the street, do you think the action that CBS took with Charlie Rose was appropriate? Or Louis C.K., or anyone else in Hollywood, Harvey Weinstein, they would say, ‘Yes, they took the right action,’ “ Rice said. “Why can’t we do the same thing in Washington?”
She continued: “There should be professional repercussions for every single harasser. And it seems like the private sector has it right and us in Congress don’t.”
While Rice may be talking tough now, don’t be surprised if you see her walk back her comments in the days ahead. Whenever a leftist starts attacking their own party, there’s usually some swift reprimanding behind the scenes, followed by a pseudo-apology tour. It would be great if that didn’t happen, but the power the Left imposes on it’s cultists is significant, as conformity is a basic requirement to be a member.
At the end of the day, folks with a shred of integrity understand that these politicians, regardless of the party, should step down if there’s actual evidence supporting allegations against them. But integrity is one of the many positive attributes that most folks in the DC swamp are devoid of.
Source: New York Post