When it comes to the pearl-clutching and faux-outrage over Trump’s “sh*thole” comments, the horse has been beaten into dust. It’s all so tiresome, having to deal with the daily deluge of left-wing propaganda, but it’s a swamp of sewage we have to wade through regardless.
It’s no secret that Hollywood is a breeding ground for leftist activists, nor that many celebrities have condemned Trump’s comments and very existence. But one of the most prominent left-wing celebrity activists in recent decades is so fed up with Trump he took to the pages of a liberal rag to unleash his rage.
As reported at Breitbart in an op-ed for the birdcage liner “Time,” actor Sean Penn trashed President Trump as an “enemy of Americans, Republicans, Democrats, Independents and every new child born. An enemy of mankind…. an enemy of the state.”
The slog, which he spends the first 1,000 agonizing words signaling about his moral superiority and the “charity” work he’s done, specifically mentioned his time in Haiti, one of the countries Trump supposedly labeled a “sh*thole.”
The funny thing is, while talking about the work he did there after the devastating 2010 earthquake, nowhere does he mention or deny the president’s characterization of the hopelessly impoverished and corrupt nation. Nor does he point out that two of the senators present during the session where he supposedly made the comments, backed the president’s denial.
Remember, the narrative is important for the Left, not facts. Because if you tell a lie long enough and with enough conviction on your face, it becomes the truth. Especially when your comrades control nearly every media entity in America.
The biggest elephant in the room, of course, is that Penn is a bonafide communist and literal friend of dictators. So it’s really amusing to see him, of all people, labeling the president an enemy of mankind when he’s been buddy-buddy with tyrants of repressive regimes, like former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
Celebrities should stick to what they do best, playing pretend. We don’t need anymore self-important, inane think pieces, comments, or tweets from these people, telling us how we ought to feel about the president or any issue.
Source: Breitbart