CNN’s Don Lemon invited documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz on his show, apparently to just talk over him about the facts his documentary about crime in Sweden
Lemon referred to the President citing Horowitz’s documentary during his speech in FL over the weekend, and then went on to contradict both the President and Horowitz with his own facts he is said to have obtained from the State Department
Horowitz tried many times to set the record straight, using his knowledge gained over what was no doubt countless hours of research done for the documentary film, however, Lemon insisted on calling his assertions false and proving that point by waving around his papers and talking about the State Department.
I’m no expert on international relations, however, if we were to poll you, the readership, who do you think would have more accurate facts about crime in Sweden, the US, or Sweden? By show of hands, who thinks that Sweden might be a little more in touch with their own crime rates? Yeah, that’s what I thought too.
Perhaps Lemon should forgo having a guest at all in the future since he obviously just wants to hear his own voice and read his own facts and figures.