Do you know what you call a person who speaks 3 languages? They’re trilingual. I bet you know what you call a person who speaks two languages; it’s bilingual. Now, do you know what you call a person who only speaks one language? American. See, that’s a little joke about Americans and how we don’t […]
Sean Spicer Mocks Reporter For Asking Dumb Question And It’s Actually Pretty Funny
The war for the minds of American’s is in full force in a way that we may have never seen before. The idea of an unbiased media is almost laughable at this point, and the White House has had to go to war in order to get their message out in a way that isn’t […]
Millions Of Greedy Illegals Just Got Booted By Trump After He Found One SICK Secret Thing They Were Doing
President Trump keeps sending out a clear message: immigration to America is a privilege, not a right. If you want to come and stay, you must contribute. Now, every single illegal who is caught collecting a welfare check is about to have their lives completely destroyed, with a single swipe of our new president’s pen. According to […]
Watch Liberals’ Heads Explode Because The OSU Attacker Was A Muslim Refugee And Not A White Gun Nut
When anything happens resembling gun violence, you can be sure of liberals jumping the gun (pardon the pun) and announcing that not only was it some white male bogeyman that perpetrated the crime, but that their ideology reigns supreme, always. It’s so satisfying when that echo chamber comes crashing down around them by something called […]
Fidel Castro Just EXPOSED Obama’s LIES About Cuba! Is This THE END For Obama?
Fidel Castro has been at the head of the Cuban government for as long as we can remember, finally giving the reigns over to his brother Raul a decade ago. Obama’s historic Cuba visit marked the first time an American President visited the communist island in many decades. With this visit, came a promise from […]
This Meme Exposes The Truth Of The Race-Baiting #BlackLivesMatter Movement
BlackLivesMatter is a movement that hopes to end racism by promoting particular kinds of racism at every step while glazing over very real problems in the black community. To illustrate the issues in the movement, here are some eye-opening infographics. You won’t have race-baiting media gluttons like Al Sharpton parroting these facts because it destroys […]