Not surprised.
Maxine Waters’ Subpoena Power Will Take Feud With Trump To A New Level
Here we go.
After Midterms, Steve Scalise Throws His Hat In The Ring
Following the midterm elections on Tuesday, many of America’s representatives are going to see changes around their workplace. Possibly the biggest change is the power swap between Republicans and Democrats in the House of Representatives. Republicans lost the House, and Democrats are now projected to hold the majority. Coupled with the fact that former Speaker […]
After Senate Victory, Mitch McConnell Throws Support Behind Trump’s Wall
Trump has his support.
Never-Trump Senator Jeff Flake Moves To Save Robert Mueller’s Investigation
Republican senator, Jeff Flake, is getting ready to retire…but he has a few plans before he goes. He announced a cross-party plan on Thursday that would force a vote on legislations to prevent Robert Mueller from being fired. The bipartisan move by Flake and Democrat Chris Coons was announced just after Donald Trump fired Jeff […]
Judge Napolitano Claims Jeff Sessions’ Replacement “Does Not Qualify”
Nap sees a problem.
Sessions’ Replacement Has A Very Different View Of Robert Mueller’s Investigation
The wind may have changed in the White House administration. President Donald Trump fired his attorney general on Wednesday and replaced him with a former federal prosecutor who has already been critical of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe. Just a day after the midterm elections, Trump shared the news in a tweet. A Justice […]
Larry King Throws CNN Under The Bus – “Stopped Doing News A Long Time Ago…”
Recount: GOP Florida Victories Suddenly Up For Grabs?
Florida is once again in the spotlight politically. The likely recounts in both the Sunshine State’s Senate and gubernatorial races have put Florida in a familiar place. It was18 years ago that the US Supreme Court stopped a Florida recount in the presidential race, giving George W. Bush the White House. “The recounts will be […]
White House Loses Patience With Jim Acosta, Goes After Microphone – “A Very Rude Person…”
Things got heated.