Anthony Cumia, one half of the former Opie and Anthony radio show, is no stranger to conflict. After being fired from his SiriusXM position due to him tweeting in anger after being assaulted, he started his own podcast where he was free to do as he pleased, and did he ever. In this clip, Anthony […]
Just When You Thought Planned Parenthood Couldn’t Get Any Worse, They Do THIS!
Planned Parenthood, also known as the place where liberals can get their tax-funded abortions, is doing a great job of capitalizing on the dismembered body parts of the babies that they’ve killed. Not only have they been caught doing this once by the pro-life Center For Medical Progress, but now they’re on video a second time […]
This Former Governor Said “White Lives Matter”. What Liberals Did Next Was DISGUSTING!
At a Netroots Nation conference in Pheonix, Former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley and Senator Bernie Sanders went head-to-head on certain key issues – one of them being the left’s red herring, which is race. At a certain point, the talk was hijacked by protesters chanting the phrase “black lives matter!” In reponse, O’Malley said: Black lives […]
This Police Officer’s EPIC Response To The Flag-Stomping Challenge Is Something EVERY American Needs To See!
Eric Sheppard, a self-proclaimed terrorist and unashamed racist, issued a challenge for people around the country to stomp on the American flag. Of course, these are often liberal college kids that haven’t held a job for more than 45 minutes who have also conveniently forgotten that they live at a time when there was never more […]
This Is What Happens When A Popular Liberal Blog Attacks A Gay Liberal By Accident! I LOVE It!
For those of you not in the loop, Gawker is a blog that routinely touts the benefits of a liberal bias, under the guise of “journalism”. Whether it’s reporting on what Kim Kardashian is doing with her hew hairstyle to making fluff pieces on black crime statistics that seem to forget about ACTUAL black crime, […]
Obama ADMITS That He Doesn’t Care About American Prisoners Of War. Get Him Out Of Office NOW!
CBS’s reporter Major Garret asked President Obama an extremely important question about the new Iran nuclear deal and American hostages and we were hoping for an answer better than what he gave – which is no answer at all. He basically dodged the question, trivilaizing those American who are in Iranian prisons RIGHT NOW while […]
Everyone Ignored This Homeless Veteran Until He Brought Them To TEARS With His Beautiful Music
In Sarasota, Florida, a local arts project put a few pianos on the street. The pianos were donated to the city as part of the project, so that when people pass by, someone might be able to play some music for any passersby. Well when the paths of this homeless veteran and a donated piano cross, […]
When I Heard This AWFUL News From Bill O’Reilly, I Nearly Cried. 30 Seconds Later I Was Laughing My Head Off!
On a recent episode of The O’Reilly Factor, Bill O’Reilly went into detail about a new Gallup poll showing that for the first time since 1999 liberals have outnumbered conservatives when people were asked their views on social issues. Check out his reaction to this news below. (Source: YouTube) What I find utterly […]
When This Clueless Liberal Said “Fox News Is Not Real News”, Greta Van Susteren Fires Back HARD!
A member of the board of officials in California, Scott Weiner had a pretty weird response when asked if he was upset that the president did not reach out to the families of Kate Steinle, the woman slain by an illegal immigrant. Here’s his response to the very simple question. (Source: YouTube) Way […]
I Can’t Stop Laughing At This Christian Comedian RIPPING Liberals Apart! HILARIOUS!
There aren’t many conservative Christian comedians out there which is why Brad Stine is such a breath of fresh air! Watch as he tackles everything from hunting to political correctness in the most hilarious way possible. Check out his amazing set below. Haha! Every time I watch this I cannot get enough!