The fact that Donald Trump will be our next president is still sinking in with the liberals and they still can’t handle it. But there are nuggets of truth being dropped left and right by sane, normal people that just need to be heard around the country. This is one of them.
Much has been said recently about Trump’s inauguration and many A-list musicians and celebrities are refusing to preform for him and his family.
But here’s the kicker as put beautifully, by Bristol Palin, daughter of Sarah Palin.
If this was just normal, Billionaire Trump, celebrities and entertainers would be lined up for miles to perform for him.
That is a link to an article she penned where she wrote:
If Donald Trump were still just a regular old billionaire and threw a party at Trump Tower in New York City, celebrities would be lined up out the door, and the most famous artists would be pining for a chance to perform. But because he will be inaugurated as the next Republican president in January, these same mega-celebrities, who would normally drool over an invitation to sing for the president, want no part of it.
Trump’s inauguration team sought out some of the world’s greatest musicians, but nearly all of them have refused for fear of backlash or to stand against him politically.
Isn’t it amazing how “not cool” it is to be conservative in the public eye? Either Hollywood is that far off – or we have so many sissies we have in the spot light too scared to stand for what they believe in!
And we couldn’t agree more. These left-leaning entertainers are just mindless shills and only care about their public image. I say, we boycott everyone on Bristol’s list!
Who’s with me?