This one is going to sting for all the liberal snowflakes and supporters of the racist terror group Black Lives matter.
Yesterday, we honored a great American. Someone who helped bring civil rights to a country that was radically racially separated in the 1950s and 60s.
Martin Luther King Jr. day was celebrated across the country. Yet, we are living in a country where we are being pushed to the racial edge, thanks to Obama and hate groups like BLM.
You’ll also no doubt hear BLM, Obama, and nearly all of the mainstream media say that Trump and his suppoorters are the ones to blame for the racial division, but we know better.
MLK’s neice, Alveda King, someone who knew the man personally, voted FOR Donald Trump. Here she is before the election urging people to vote for him over Hillary.
Liberals, you’ve just been proven wrong by a civil rights icon.
Martin Luther King Jr’s niece revealed Monday she voted for Donald Trump.
She also had a messages for all whiny Democrats.
“I pray that all polar opposites learn to Agape Love, live and work together as brothers and sisters—or perish as fools,” she told the American Thinker, responding to a question about whether she hopes Trump will be a pro-life president. “While I voted for Mr. Trump, my confidence remains in God, for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Prayers for President-elect Trump, Congressman Lewis, and everyone including leaders.”
That’s essentially saying the same as “such it up snowflakes, this is your reality now.” And it’s going to be an incredible reality for four straight years!
(Source: The Daily Caller)
[…] H/T: YesImRight […]