Like most red-blooded Americans, I’m a fan of country. I just can’t stay away. So when I heard that there was a professionally-made mashup of some of my favorite songs, I had it on repeat for a week. Get ready, this blew my mind: (Source: YouTube) Share it if you thought it was as mind blowing […]
Before Her Song, She Was Nervous. 30 Seconds Later, Everyone Was In Tears
There’s talent, and then there’s God-given talent. This girl has the latter, as she performs on Germany’s The Voice Kids, with a heart-wrenching rendition of Andrea Bocelli’s Time To Say Goodbye. It’s without a doubt the most moving version of the song I’ve ever heard. (Source: YouTube) Share if you were as blown away as […]
They Told Her To Keep God Out. What She Did Next Made Me Stand And Cheer
Oklahoma’s Ten Commandments monument has been the subject of controversy over the last few years. Liberals are quick to dismiss the symbol of morality and divine justice, but Christian heroes like Governor Marry Fallin are risking everything to keep it up. While the monument can’t be held on public grounds, Fallin makes the case that […]
This Black Man Just Went On A Killing Spree And The Liberal Media Is SILENT
When Michael Brown gets shot after charging at an officer, it gathers nationwide attention from the mainstream liberal media, starting race riots. Al Sharpton makes an appearance and Obama calls a press conference to talk about it personally. When career criminal Freddie Gray dies after being detained by police, the liberal press is there to […]
Megyn Kelly Tells The Awful Truth About Illegals That Obama Will Never Admit. This Has To STOP!
Megyn Kelly is a godsend, if only for the fact that she isn’t afraid to speak her mind. She’s especially great at pointing out the awful truth that the Obama administration doesn’t want to admit – that illegal immigrants in the country contribute to the crime level. In this clip, Megyn talks about Kate Steinle, […]
All This Boy Wanted Was For His Dad To Come Home From The Navy. What Happened Next Brought Me To Tears
Any person willing to give their life for their country deserves praise, but this guy takes it to the next level. Instead of surprising his son, he allows his son to play the hero in an epic fight between good and evil, where love wins in the end. Remember to hug those in your life that make […]
Angela Merkel Admits Bringing In Muslim Refugees Was A Big Fat Mistake
Germany’s chancellor Angela Merkel has been the biggest proponent of bringing in as many Syrian refugees as possible, adopting a literal open borders policy to bring in the migrants. This quickly turned into a horror show, as crime was unleashed onto German cities, with thousands of sexual assaults and other violent crimes were reported over […]
This Picture Shows How Islam Destroyed Europe In 3 Short Years
It’s no secret that Europe has been overrun with Islamists in recent years, many of them refugees. It’s a product of a failing political and economic situation in the Islamic world, and a naive and absolutely insane policy of open borders in Western European countries. Well, one picture has been released that show exactly the […]
An ISIS-Loving Muslim Said “Death To America!” 5 Seconds Later, He Got DESTROYED!
In our society, one of our most cherished and protected rights is the freedom of speech. That means that no matter what you say and how offended people get, you can say anything you want under our Constitution. It’s what makes this country great and it’s what allows our dissent of the government to be […]
When ISIS-Loving Muslims Said “This Country Is OURS!” These Christians Shut ‘Em DOWN!
I’m not sure how the rest of the world works, but I’m pretty sure that Western philosophies and Sharia Law don’t, and can never mix because they’re too far apart ideologically. That’s why it’s so interesting to see Muslims in a Western country like the UK, telling other people in town how to live and […]