Anthony Cumia, one half of the former Opie and Anthony radio show, is no stranger to conflict. After being fired from his SiriusXM position due to him tweeting in anger after being assaulted, he started his own podcast where he was free to do as he pleased, and did he ever. In this clip, Anthony […]
Kate Steinle’s Father Talks About His Daughter’s Chilling Last Moments Alive. He Needs Our Prayers!
Jim Steinle is on the offensive, as he should be. His daughter, Kate Steinle has aroused national concern from conservatives (and none from liberals) about the state of illegal immigrants in this country. For those not in the loop, Kate was shot and killed in San Francisco by an illegal immigrant that had been deported five […]
Just When You Thought Planned Parenthood Couldn’t Get Any Worse, They Do THIS!
Planned Parenthood, also known as the place where liberals can get their tax-funded abortions, is doing a great job of capitalizing on the dismembered body parts of the babies that they’ve killed. Not only have they been caught doing this once by the pro-life Center For Medical Progress, but now they’re on video a second time […]
This Former Governor Said “White Lives Matter”. What Liberals Did Next Was DISGUSTING!
At a Netroots Nation conference in Pheonix, Former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley and Senator Bernie Sanders went head-to-head on certain key issues – one of them being the left’s red herring, which is race. At a certain point, the talk was hijacked by protesters chanting the phrase “black lives matter!” In reponse, O’Malley said: Black lives […]
This Police Officer’s EPIC Response To The Flag-Stomping Challenge Is Something EVERY American Needs To See!
Eric Sheppard, a self-proclaimed terrorist and unashamed racist, issued a challenge for people around the country to stomp on the American flag. Of course, these are often liberal college kids that haven’t held a job for more than 45 minutes who have also conveniently forgotten that they live at a time when there was never more […]
This Is What Happens When A Popular Liberal Blog Attacks A Gay Liberal By Accident! I LOVE It!
For those of you not in the loop, Gawker is a blog that routinely touts the benefits of a liberal bias, under the guise of “journalism”. Whether it’s reporting on what Kim Kardashian is doing with her hew hairstyle to making fluff pieces on black crime statistics that seem to forget about ACTUAL black crime, […]
He Thought He Could Corner Her In An Elevator. But He Didn’t Count On This.
When this horrible excuse for a man decides to corner a little girl in an elevator, he gets exactly what’s coming to him in the most awesome way possible. We could use a few more girls like this and a lot less men like him. Woah! I was NOT expecting that from such a […]
Hidden Camera Reveals Planned Parenthood SELLING Aborted Baby Body Parts! I’m SHOCKED Beyond Words!
This is absolutely disgusting. Planned Parenthood, the one-stop shop for state-sanctioned abortion, now can sell you discarded parts from an aborted baby, as captured on video by the pro-life organization Center for Medical Progress. Not only is this practice absolutely immoral, but it’s illegal, as you can’t sell of aid in the trafficking of human […]
Kid Rock DESTROYS Al Sharpton For Demanding To Remove The Confederate Flag. What A Takedown!
Liberals will say that they’re about freedom, but they just want control, and they do that by race-baiting and shifting goal posts whenever they’re backed into a corner. Thankfully, all-American artist Kid Rock doesn’t stand for it. In a segment on Fox News with Megyn Kelly, Sharpton is quoted as doing what he does best, […]
Josh Groban Randomly Picked Him To Sing “The Prayer”. What He Did Next Left Everyone SPEECHLESS. This Is AMAZING!
Whenever an audience member stuns the performer, that’s a great sign of talent. In this video, Josh Groban plucked a guy out of the audience at random and asked to sing a duet with him. Unbeknownst to the awesome talent that is Mr. Groban, the audience member was born ready. This blew my mind! […]