Saturday’s March For Our Lives was a bust. Oh sure, a parade of well-heeled celebrities trooped out to talk about gun control, and the Parkland teens gave tweetable speeches, but total attendance was a lot lower than expected.
Protest organizers bragged that nearly 800,000 anti-gun activists poured onto Washington, D.C. streets Saturday. In reality, the number was closer to 200,000. Impressive until you remember that 2017’s Women’s March saw 500,000 activists stomping towards the capital.
The problem with the rally is obvious. Despite the overblown language used by liberal media pundits, children really aren’t living in fear. There’s no sense that anyone needed to march for their lives. Gun violence is going down. American children are among the safest in the entire world.
School shootings are atrocious, but they’re rare. Students should be more terrified of the cars that drove them to the rally than of being shot. That’s not to say that nothing should be done. All Americans want to stop senseless violence. The question is how.
“I wanted to stand on Capitol Hill in the shadow of our country’s legislature and express how truly enraged I am that my friends are now dead due to gun violence and there had been nothing done about it,” a Parkland shooting survivor told CNN during the rally.
The students desire is earnest. Yet their hopes and energy are being manipulated by adults with agenda. Liberal outlets are stripping nuance from the conversation, labeling anyone who questions gun control as a monster.
Teens were the face of the movement, but experienced Democrats were behind the logistics.
“To those politicians supported by the NRA that allow the continued slaughter of our children and our future, I say get your resumés ready, David Hogg, another Parkland teen, said Saturday.
“They’ve gotten used to being protective of their position, the safety of inaction.”
Politicians who remain committed to the Second Amendment are being demonized. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio has become one of the biggest targets for their ire.
(Source: Daily Caller, CNN)