Let’s be clear – Donald Trump is a polarizing figure because he says the ugly truth people don’t like to hear. When he talks about how Muslims aren’t the safest people to import into the country and that they have massive campaigns against the West and are incompatible with our way of life and Constitution, he gets backlash from every liberal that thinks that “you’re racist” is an argument and way of shutting down conversation.
Thankfully, we know better and so does the woman who is the subject of this article. She’s an ex-Muslim teen living in America and she lays out exactly why Donald Trump is right in every way.
Check it out on Bill Still’s YouTube channel:
Hey the_donald, I’m a 19 year old girl living in America with Muslim immigrant parents. Until yesterday, I had not once removed my Hajib in my life while outside. I tried to do it once when I was 10 years old, and my parents grounded me for a week.
“Let me tell you something right now, there are no “moderate muslims”. There are no “assimilated muslims”. Throughout my life, I have been to three different mosques regularly. Everyone there had some kind of animosity to America. Either they support jihadist actions outright or they refuse to condemn them, or they victim blame Christians and the West.
“The last time I went to service at my mosque was right after the Brussels attack. You want to know how many of them were condemning it? 0. Not a single one. ““My parents over facebook (which they refuse to let me post publically to) both started complaining about Islamophobia that would sprout. Not even a faux prayer for the victims.
“I’ve been secretly watching Trump and his speeches for the last few months, and agreeing with what he says about Islam.…You want to know what people at my mosque say to me when I ask them about Trump or about terrorists crossing the border?
“Don’t speak woman.”“While they didn’t push me to take off my hajib and renounce Islam, I’ve decided to do it myself. My parents have not assimilated. None of my “friends” from mosque have either.”
“I want to be a doctor, I want to have sex, I want to walk around town without a male chaperone. None of these things are permitted.”
“Let me be clear, no Muslim girl is wearing a hajib by choice. They know that if they’re caught without one, they WILL be punished. My parents will probably disown me when they find out, but [I don’t care].”
“The worst part is all the liberals on campus apologizing for muslims, especially the Bernie girls going around wearing Hajibs “in solidarity”. “Well congratulations! You are officially a conquered people of the caliphate.”
Then, exmuslimmaga makes her most jaw-dropping revelation to American liberals who support even more Muslim immigration, like President Obama:
“When liberals … encourage more muslims to enter the country, people at the mosques are not sighing in relief that whites aren’t racist, they are giddy that they are accepting the new Islamic State so easily.
“Only Trump is standing up to these animals. We don’t want a single one in our country. If Trump doesn’t win, I will happily die the last woman not covering her head. “Liberals have no idea what Islam really is.”
Do you agree with this girl? Do you think she should fear for her life considering what Muslims do to defectors? Let’s hear it in the comments!
(Source: YouTube)