You thought Elizabeth Warren being kicked off the Senate floor was embarrassing enough? Think again. She just got destroyed by an American Icon.
Dr. Martin Luther King’s wife, Coretta Scott King, once penned a letter about Jeff Sessions. This was the basis for Elizabeth Warren’s classless attack on Sessions when she attempting to block his confirmation for Attorney General. The use of the letter was suspect at best, but in reality it was a slimy way for her to weasel in and call Sessions a “deplorable” in her own insane way.
But after she did that, Dr. Alveda King, Niece of MLK, went on Fox News and let Warren have it.
Senator Warren spoke Opens a New Window. after the dust up about what she couldn’t say, early Wednesday.
“This is about Coretta Scott King’s letter and that’s all this is about,” Senator Warren told reporters. “She wrote a powerful letter about an important moment in history that directly involved Jeff Sessions and is directly relevant to the question of whether Jeff Sessions ought to be the attorney general of the United States — and Mitch McConnell didn’t want me to read that letter.”
This is, of course, bulls**t and shows just how low Warren would go to get her own way. King responded in kind.
Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., however, said Senator Warren is using the King named to play the race card and stir up emotions.
“In that letter [Coretta Scott King] would be referring to some of [Sen. Jeff Sessions] comments,” King told the FOX Business Network’s Neil Cavuto. “However, she would agree today that he of course ended some [school segregation and] he worked to prosecute members of the KKK.”
King added: “It’s almost like a bait and switch, stir up the emotions, in the name of King—and my name is Alveda King… [and] play the race card, which she was attempting to do.”
This is the agenda of the left. They use someone else’s words in an attempt to sway the American people to their side. This is basically the left saying that Americans are too stupid to make up their own mind, so let’s try to convince them with a name they may know.
Elizabeth Warren is everything people hate about politics. She and Hillary are the people that helped make Trump president. Their time is over.