MS-13’s rotten ideology is spreading rapidly across the U.S. The gang was nearly quashed by President George Bush, it’s resurgence is due to the Obama administration’s lackadaisical approach toward immigration.
Illegals flooded the country while Obama was in office. Many of them were unaccompanied minors. Young, helpless with males with life experience and no money were set loose on the streets of America.
The misguided youths became prey for unscrupulous MS-13 recruiters. A report compiled by the Center for Immigration Studies found that the gang now exists in 22 states.
“The resurgence is directly connected to the illegal arrival and resettlement of more than 300,000 Central American youths and families that has continued unabated for six years, and to a de-prioritization of immigration enforcement in the interior of the country that occurred at the same time,” the report reads.
Obama’s immigration policies were a godsend to MS-13. The gang replenishes its numbers with undocumented migrants. A significant number of the MS-13 members arrested in the past few years entered the country while Obama was in office.
“The proliferation of sanctuaries may complicate disruption of MS-13,” the report continues.
“Many of the hotbeds of MS-13 activity are also places where local officials have adopted sanctuary policies. These policies prevent ICE from working effectively with local law enforcement agencies. There are approximately 300 sanctuary jurisdictions in the country, and they include municipalities, counties, and states.11 About half of the MS-13 arrests in our case set (222) occurred in sanctuary jurisdictions.”
Sanctuary cities are plaguing the current administration. President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions have repeatedly spoken out against the practice of shielding illegals from immigration officers but to no avail. Liberals are intent on allowing migrants to remain in the country.
Trump and Sessions are committed to kicking MS-13 out of the U.S.
(Source: Washington Examiner)