Congress is as dirty as Hollywood. “Respectable” politicians are being outed as monsters left and right. Liberal Sen. Al Franken is the latest to be accused. TV presenter Leeann Tweeden claims he sexually assaulted during a USO tour.
Democrats aren’t as squeaky clean as they pretend to be. Most of the losers caught up in the recent sexual abuse scandals are liberals.
Tweeden says that Franken forced her to kiss him during a skit rehearsal and took a picture of himself fondling her breasts while she was asleep. Franken didn’t even attempt to deny the charges.
“I certainly don’t remember the rehearsal for the skit in the same way, but I send my sincerest apologies to Leeann,” Sen. Franken said in a statement. “As to the photo, it was clearly intended to be funny but wasn’t. I shouldn’t have done it.”
Franken is so out of touch that he thought a picture of himself fondling a woman without her consent would be “funny.” If a Republican Senator had done the same, liberals would have tried to drive him out of Capitol Hill.
“You knew exactly what you were doing. You forcibly kissed me without my consent, grabbed my breasts while I was sleeping and had someone take a photo of you doing it, knowing I would see it later, and be ashamed,” Tweeden wrote.
Is Franken’s apology enough? He humiliated a woman and took a picture of it, and that was after he forced her to kiss him. That’s not the type of man that I want representing me.
(Source: Daily Caller)