Remember back when Russian/US relations were terrible? Remember who caused that? Oh yea it was Obama. Looks like Putin is changing his tone, but not without taking a shot at Obama first.
This all came about because Obama’s foreign policy and leadership skills were, and still are, in the toilet. Never since the cold war have relations with Russia been so bad. Obama single handedly set relations with Russia back 40 years. Sound familiar? BLM, anyone?
But after Trump’s historic win, Putin was immediately, albeit hesitant, open to restoring relations. Mainly because Trump isn’t an idiot and Obama is a horrible president.
And all it took was reaching out during the campaign and saying some nice words. You’d think Obama would have thought of that. But nah, let’s keep relations sour with one of the worlds great superpowers. And did you notice how Putin slyly say that it wasn’t Russia’s fault. He’s 100% right. It wasn’t. It was Obama’s fault that this all transpired.
Who else is glad Obama is gone in less than 90 days?
(Source: YouTube)