Michelle Obama will be remembered by the left as one of the great first lady’s in this country’s history. We, however, know better than that. To us, she will go down as one of the worst for so, SO many reasons that it’s hard to put them into words.
But what many conservatives will remember her for is being a classless, anti-American who loved to revel in the country’s sorrows. When Barack Obama took office, he told a grand tale of restoring Hope in America. When Michell Obama was interviewed by Oprah Winfrey last week, she apparently thinks that all hope is lost due to the election of Donald Trump. Once again, classless.
But Trump’s response was not only classy, it was also brutal.
“Michelle Obama said yesterday that there’s no hope,” Trump told the New York Daily News. “I assume she was talking about the past, not the future — ’cause I’m telling you, we have tremendous hope, and tremendous promise.”
Trump also told the crowd that he visited the Obamas after the Nov. 8 election and MichObama “could not have been nicer.”
Ah so not only is she classless, she’s backstabbing and underhanded with her comments. Sounds about right.
The Obama’s has driven this country into the ground. Trump will right the ship because he doesn’t have a defeatist, sit in the corner attitude. He will make America great again.