The term “fake news” has been said so much by both the left and right that it has almost lost all meaning to many. The concept is valid, but the term is so ambiguous that it can, and has been, easily abused.
In an effort to dispel these rumors about themselves, 60 minutes decided to deal with it head on. They interviewed their own “expert” as well as a guy who actually claims to have fun making up stories that have no basis in fact along with conservative author Mike Cernovich.
They did their very best to basically prove that all the smaller, unanointed, media outlets prided themselves in writing anything for views and weren’t at all interested in the truth.
Cernovich, as the clip points out, has a better online following than 60 Minuets itself, and obviously didn’t need the publicity. However, we decided to do the interview as an experiment, and apparently, it was worth his time.
Cernovich said in an interview with another conservative media host that two things stood out to him after the interview. The first is that he was pleasantly surprised that they didn’t edit in such a way that it looked like one question was being answered by his answer to another question. He was also taken aback by their asking about, and even playing video clips, from some of his stories that in his mind, were bad for the left. He mentioned the Hillary health issue, where she was seen collapsing. According to Cernovich, the fact that they actually played the clip is a reminder to him that many anchors and reporters actually believe what they are reporting.
Here’s his reaction to the interview.
Kudo’s to 60 Minuets for attempting to address the problem head on, but I’m not sure that those who are genuinely searching for the truth are going to buy it. It’s going to take a lot more than a panel of your own experts, one crazy and one conservative to convince us that you’re suddenly unbiased.
As long as there is free speech, there will be those who broadcast fact, and as long as that is happening, the “fake news” providers will squirm in their seats.
(Source: Mike Cernovich)